37 Weeks • Anxious & Restless Body


Heyyy! I got a reflexology & pregnancy massage last night. I felt mild contractions after, but nothing since I went to bed last night. However, this morning I woke up with my body feeling super anxious, cloudy head, extremely tired, fidgety, and just really odd. When i went in at 36 weeks, I wasn’t dilated but cervix was soft. This last Friday I had about 4 intense back contractions but then took a warm shower and they went away. I’m super hydrated too! Braxton Hicks have been lasting literally all day, but that’s normal for me. I was induced with my first at 39 weeks.

Has anyone had these feelings and then went into labor shortly after?

Posting a pic because I’ve gained about 80 pounds so far, but I’m just so dang grateful and cannot wait to meet our little man 🌈