Pregnant And Scared!

I am so scared at the moment I found out yesterday that I am pregnant, I’m about 4w2d. What I’m scared about is telling my fiancé, our relationship is very strained and rocky at the moment. This is probably the worst our relationship has been. We are struggling really badly with money issues at the moment and have gotten into debt quite a lot because of this. We are both starting full time work at the end of this month so that will be nice. But I just don’t know how he will handle the news of us expecting. I am the reason we are having money issues because I royally fucked up I don’t want to go into it, but pretty much all of our issues stem from me loaning a lot of money to my parents - I have legal paper work that we will get it back just not in the near future.

We were literally talking yesterday about our sex life and kids, he went to the doctors cause his sex drive is pretty much none exinsistant. After talking to the doctor she think that it’s all physiological and stress as to why he is depressed and has no interest in sex. Which makes sense cause our life is far from easy at the moment. Our money issues going away won’t fix the issues cause our relationship needs a lot of work because of those issues.

After his talk to the doctor we were (more him) talking about kids and he was saying that we are no where near being in a place to be ready to have kids both financially or our relationship wise (all while me sitting in the car knowing I’m pregnant). Honestly I feel like we have lost our spark, we constantly snap at each other over little things. Sex is 1-2 times a month and I’m always the one initiating it, a lot of the time I’m turned down. I know 100% he isn’t cheating on me because we are around each other 24/7

I know he wouldn’t leave me but I’m just scared of the strain it is going to put on our relationship. And the argument it is going to cause when I do tell him. It’s hard writing this because all I have ever wanted in life is to be a mother and have kids. I also have fertility issues where I have been told it would be harder for me to get pregnant but my real problem would be staying pregnant. I hate how our current situation would/is taking away the real magic of pregnancy like I cannot enjoy it.

Just on a note I could never have an abortion or adoption that is just something I could never do.

We are both 27