Eptopic pregnancy??


Hi ladies!

I have just found out I’m pregnant so 5 weeks now. And waiting for blood work to return. For the past 3-4 days I’ve been experiencing a full aching pain in my right side where my ovary is. I have a history of cysts. Usually when I’m ovulating. The pain feels similar to when I have a cyst. I’m silently freaking out that it might be an eptopic pregnancy.. I haven’t been bleeding, no nausea, no dizziness etc. just the pain.

Anyone that has experienced an eptopic would you be able to tell me your experience? The pain etc?? Will they be able to tell this early if it is eptopic? I have an ultrasound booked for Friday.. but Is it silly I’m thinking of going into the hospital to get checked?? I don’t want to waste resources if it’s nothing. Thank you ladies. Please help ease my mind.