Showering before bed after a trip to Disneyland


I wanna clarify that I DID take a shower myself at 1am after putting our son down to sleep. Or else why the fuck would I complain? Lmaooooo. A lot of you are nasty as hell 😂 I will gladly take the title of “Controlling” if all it takes is asking my husband to shower LOL. Also!! I didn’t pick the fight! HE did! I just stood my damn ground. The bed was clean lol.

PS thank you to all the nasty ladies keeping the comments fun 😂


My husband and I got into an argument about taking a shower after a day at Disneyland.

We were at Disneyland today until 5pm (super hot day today) then went out to dinner with his friends and stayed out until 11pm, 4mo old baby in tow. I had been trying to go home since 9pm but he wouldn’t budge – just continued drinking with his friends.

We finally get home and he goes straight into bed, and I asked him to go shower. He got upset and we argued because he kept saying “he sweat less than when he worked out this morning and he already showered this morning”. Is that not gross as hell? I kept telling him he sat in a million places where a billion people sat and he kept telling me I was ridiculous. He finally went to go shower but not after he threw a tantrum.

😒 how do I go about having a mature conversation about this in the morning? He also said while buzzed “if I shower tonight I’m divorcing you”...🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Wowza a lot of us were raised differently. I don’t care how drunk or tired I am there’s no way I will sleep in my clean bed covered in all the sweat from a day at Disneyland. I’ve slept in the living room couch after a long day out where I didn’t want to shower afterwards!!

Also those saying “he’s not even sleeping on your side” husband is a starfish sleeper AND he sleeps naked...literally every side is his side 😂 gotta love him but WOW was I frustrated last night. Sue me if I didn’t want his sweaty ass to touch my freshly showered self while I slept!


LOL. I’m actually getting really amused by all the people calling me controlling 😂 I do the laundry on the regular, I wash the bed sheets on the regular, I took care of the baby that night while he got drunk with his friends. Fuck me for asking him to take a 5 min shower for ME when I stayed out for hours with the baby FOR HIM, right? 😂 Relationships are give and take y’all and he was take-take-taking that night. YES I was grumpy for being out all day but it was because HE wanted to do that

😂 AND! He actually woke up the next morning and took another shower and apologized, so we’re good. Do you ladies EVER ask anything of your husbands?! Lmaaoooo it was a quick shower!! Its not like I was asking him to wash a sink full of dishes 🤣


Omg you guys there’s so much shade in here!!!! Do you guys know how to give your opinion without being RUDE AF?

If I didn’t post anonymously I’d come for you in the comments🤣 same women shading me are probably the same women jumping into bed with dirt at the bottom of their feet.