bad to have “hoes”

I’m aware this sounds like such a childish thing but i’m genuinely stuck..

So i’m 17 and lately i’ve been kinda “hoeing ”. Basically I mean that I talk to like 7 guys at once, and I know it’s wrong but it’s kinda addictive too. I’m not in a relationship at the moment but 3 said they liked me, when at the start (when we first individually met) I told them that i’m not looking for a relationship unless i’m really into them. Where I live we have a few weeks break from school so i’ve been bored between studying and that’s when i’ve talked to them most.

Not gonna lie, they’re all fit, popular fboys and have slept with probably 37721828 girls each, and with most of them, we have rules that it’s just for fun and that we aren’t each others only hoes. What should I do? Is it a bad thing to have side hoes?

I’ve only had sex with 2 of them a few times, I just meet up with the others and their friends and we go out sometimes they do try sext sometimes which I don’t like but yeah I like this thing we have going on i’m just worried i’ll be judged? Have any of you been through this?