5 years gone 😔 need advice

Yesterday my boyfriend of 5 years broke up with me. Almost out of no where, things have been feeling somewhat distant lately but we have both been going crazy over midterms. He failed one. He said that he lost him self and lost sight of his goals after trying to make me happy for 5 years. I felt somewhat relieved because we both need to focus on school. After talking more, I asked if he had met somebody else (we are 7 hours apart) he said yes. He said he realized he wanted to experience life with out me for a while and find himself and he wants to experience other people before he settles down with anyone just to have the experience. I agree I want to experience life too, i have thought about it but never did anything about it. I feel hurt, feels like my heart is going to fall out of my ass. We are young I'm 18 and hes 19 this is my freshman year and his sophomore year. This is all surprising I thought everything was fine. Anyways now I feel like shit about my self because he found some one better I guess, he said he wanted to break up so he could have fun, he didnt want to cheat, I don't believe he did. I'm having a hard time looking at anything because everything reminds of him and I can't look at pictures. Anyways sorry for the rant. Any advice would be appreciated