Should I tell my ex’s wife that he cheated?

Ok so this has been eating at me for a long time. I dated this guy for about a year, then dumped him (December 2014) for cheating on me. Two weeks later he got with the girl he’s now married to.

I ended up leaving state for a year. Came back to visit for a couple weeks in September 2015, he told me he and this girl had just broken up, we slept together several times over those 2 weeks. I came home again in December 2015 for a couple weeks, and slept with him several times again. He said he was single. Then in May 2016, I moved back home. I ended up sleeping with him again several times between August-November 2016, then he moved to the other side of the state and we haven’t talked since.

In January 2017 he got engaged to the girl, which is when I found out (from snooping on her Facebook) that they never broke up. They had been together the whole time since December 2014. They got married sometime in 2018. I previously had decided to stay out of it, but recently it’s really been getting to me. I don’t think she would believe me if I told her though. I don’t know what to do?

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