So scared!!

Desiree • 21 years old mother of 3

I lost my beautiful baby girl in September last year on my birthday and another sweet baby girl this year in April! I have conceived again but they told me I have a cervical insufficiency and sent me straight to surgery once I was 15 weeks with my baby boy! My cervix is now sew up and my baby is hanging on by the stitches in my cervix! I am now 19 weeks pregnant! But I am so scared that something might happen and I don’t feel him moving but they also told me I have an interior placenta and that it’s blocking me from feeling him move until I’m a certain amount of weeks! I just hope my baby is okay and I’m seeing the doctor! So far my belly has gotten a lot bigger but idk if it’s just the symptoms or my actually baby boy! I’m so frightened because I can’t lose another child! I just can’t ! 😞 If I lose him, I’m done trying!