I am done 😩

Kristen • 💙 Mom of both 💜💙 Autism Acceptance 💙

I’m only 25 weeks but good Lord I am done with this pregnancy. This is my third child and I’m HUGE. This is the biggest I’ve ever been. I can’t wear any of my clothes because I’ve been swelling a lot already and the clothes end up hurting me. Bras too... I can’t go the next size up because clothes around here are expensive af and we started homeschooling our oldest (5) because of the how the school treated him with his IEP (my son is autistic and developmentally delayed etc). My emotions are everywhere. My husband is my only support system and he’s working 95% of the time (which I understand). Guys. I want shoes that fit other then flip flops. I want pants that don’t make me feel like I’m being cut in half. And the only “pants” I have are sweats and leggings. It’s torture 😩 I cried this morning because my boobs are killing me and I have no bra to support them. Even sports bras don’t help.

Ok, I’m done. Back to whatever you were doing 😂🤷🏻‍♀️