What can I do??

So I have this “friend”

Not really gonna call her my friend after the stuff she’s been doing 🤦‍♀️

But she is currently 33 weeks pregnant and has literally been causing herself to go into preterm labor.

She’s been pumping even though her doctor specifically said not to. She’s been having sex when she’s on pelvic rest. A couple weeks ago she was put on bed rest because her blood pressure was literally through the roof but said “I’m still going to work.” I’m talking about in the area where she personally could have had a stroke. Because that’s how high it was.

I feel like she’s purposefully causing herself to go into preterm labor and I’m absolutely terrified for her unborn child.

She is NO where near close to a good a NICU unit. I have messages she has personally sent me about the things she’s been doing even though her doctor has told her NOT to.

Is there anything I can do? I know it’s not my business but I’m terrified for this child and that this mother is knowingly doing these things to cause herself to be put into preterm labor. She’s even personally said “baby can be here anytime now!” On social media and I just cannot grasp what person, let alone mother would put their child at risk trying to start labor when the baby isn’t fully developed.

Ive tried to talk to her like “hey your baby could have serious health issues. The lungs aren’t developed yet and the baby will wind up staying in NICU for possibly weeks/months” but she literally is like “ I don’t care.”

I saved the messages because you never know what could happen but is there anything I can do now for this baby? I feel like I care about the baby more. 😞 I’m currently pregnant 37 weeks and just the thought of someone doing this kills me and just makes me want to take care of her kid since she seems like she doesn’t care what happens.

If something were to happen could she get charged? That’s why I’m keeping the messages. I just don’t want her to somehow kill her baby from her immature decisions and if she did I most definitely don’t think she should get away with it!