My kids pediatrician told me this😬

So my 5 year old son is having behavior problems; he has punched his 3.5 year old sister and just today kicked her in the tummy because she didn’t pick up his coloring book when he told her too. We have tried everything to discipline (no hitting) and it hasn’t worked no matter how much we stuck to it. Well today when I heard him kick her I called him in my room (I was getting ready for an appointment) and asked him again what he did and he said he kicked her in her tummy and out of frustration I tapped his cheek, made him say sorry and sit till I told him he could get up for his shower.

I took him to his pediatrician today to have unrelated problems looked at and I brought up his behavior telling her what happened this morning and me tapping him on the cheek. She said “I give you permission to discipline him like that” I told her I don’t like doing it but atm I was just upset because it wasn’t the first time he had hurt her on purpose. She said kids need to learn, not every kid is the same and some react to certain disciplines differently.

The next thing she said is what shocked me the most... she told me to pinch him under his arm and his penis!!!! Tf?!? I just sat there for a second to see if she was serious SHE WAS and I said would never do that to him. She said her parents use to do it to her and her siblings but back then there weren’t abuse charges like today! I still sat there looking at her confused I told her I don’t like putting hands on my kids let alone pinching him in his private area as punishment! I’m currently looking for a new pediatrician!