Engaged! If you are a widow please read.


If you are a widow reading this, and don’t have any one to talk to or don’t know who you can trust... please feel free to talk to me. I will give you my phone number. I love you and you can still have your happy ending.

I was married before and on 6/9/18 I became a widow. Needless to say my dreams of having a family were completely crushed. My spouse and I were ttc for 3 years but God knew I couldn’t do it on my own I guess. My entire world fell apart and I lost EVERYTHING. Literally everything...my home, vehicles, lifestyle, even family and friends. It definitely opened my eyes to a lot of things especially TRUST.

My spouse and I always made a promise to each other that if anything were to ever happen to either one of us that we would find love and continue living, cherish everything. I just didn’t know it was going to happen so soon.

Two weeks after my husbands funeral I met this man. I had ZERO intentions of anything. Like hello.. I have enough going on in my life and that’s the LAST thing I could even think about.

Through out the summer our friendship grew and of course people were skeptical and judge-mental. As anyone would be. I would have been too as an outsider looking in!

This man has taught me to love again. Laugh again. LIVE Life. He understands everything I have been through and accepts me with open arms.

I am so excited for the next chapter and I know that God will give me the desires of my heart to be a mom one day.

The way he purposed is anything but ordinary and if anyone wants to know I will share, but for now I just had to tell anyone and everyone that I AM GETTING MARRIED TO THE MOST LOVING AMAZING MAN!! 🥰🎉