Just need to vent about boyfriend

Ok so a little background. We’ve been toghether 5 yrs and have two boys together, 1yr and 2 yr. he has 3 daughters from his previous relationship that live with us, they’re teenagers. Well I work 2 jobs and go to school full time to be a nurse. So during the week I’m going nonstop, all night at work, zoom home to get the boys ready to drop them off at my moms house, zoom to school, zoom to my 2nd job, zoom to pick the boys up, zoom to shower, then zoom to try to nap before I go to work at night again. I get 1-2 hrs of sleep a day. In the midst of all this I do the best I can of cleaning up because with that many people in the house, the mess piles up quick. I cook the days I’m off from my night job but the other days my boyfriend cooks because I just have no time. I don’t work over the weekends so I usually sleep in until 10 or 11 and sometimes during the day I’ll doze off for like 30 mins or so, that’s when I get my catch up sleep I guess. He works 5am-5pm so he’s pretty busy too.

Well the other day my boyfriend and I got into an fight over some unrelated past issues and of course the whole fight has me upset but he made one comment that still has me pissed off. “You don’t do shit around here all you do is sleep”....... After I heard that I was so angry I had to walk away. I’m over here killing my self in order to afford to better myself in my career and help with bills and that’s what he thinks of me? Smh

I’m not really looking for anything in particular just needed to get this off my chest I’m so hurt and mad