Someone please help

I’m 28 weeks pregnant my frist pregnancy & so far it’s been the hardest & so stressful I love my baby so much and it breaks my heart that I can’t be strong enough that I have to break down a lot ☹️ I know that stress isn’t good for the baby and I try so so much to be happy for him and feel as much peace as I can for him but it’s hard my husband and I are long distance right now I came back to Cali in August I was living with him since March I came back then he had surgery I wasn’t there I was here, I couldn’t go to Mexico to him because I had a lot doctor appointments as well. He said that everything that has happened has been stressing him out which is the reason why he is not as loving as he use too, which I understand I don’t push him and cry to him I mostly cry to my self when I do but I can’t do it ☹️ i really need him I need his love and his support ☹️ what can I do so I can be more patient and strong for my family I need advice someone people help, today I really wanted to talk to him and got so happy when he FaceTimed me but he barley talked he said he was sleepy I remember when he use to call me earlier but now it’s not like that no cute paragraphs anymore, he doesn’t smile like he use too. I’m just so sad