Pillow smells like perfume....?

So I got home the other night exhausted from work and I just went straight to bed my husband was already asleep and I noticed that my pillow smelled really strong like perfume except I don’t use perfume and so I kinda woke up my husband and asked him what the smell was and he said oh it must be the lotion well when I woke up the next morning I looked and looked for lotion that smelled like that, we don’t have any... so again tonight I still smelled the perfume so I asked him why does it smell like that and if he’s cheating with me and he rolled his eyes and said sarcastically yes with the washcloth.. he couldn’t keep a straight face anytime I asked.. hmmmmmmmm🤔🤔🤔 I don’t wanna be crazy and ruin our relationship but it’s strange right?