ED from Porn Addiction


So I have been married for about 5 months now, and from the beginning my husband had ED. Things had gotten a lot better and sometimes we were able to have intercourse. But he has not been able to finish with sex alone in months. I always have to finish him by hand. Last month, I discovered he has a porn addiction and that’s why he has ED. I felt so angry and betrayed about this because he lied about it and said he didn’t have a problem.

We talked about it and he said he would stop completely. And he did for 2 weeks, and things were a million times better sexually. He was able to stay hard and we were actually able to have intercourse, although he would still go soft near the end. He actually initiated sex and was just very touchy-feely in general. I felt like we were finally on track and we have been talking about having a baby, so I was really happy.

Then I found out that he has been watching porn again for the last two weeks, and felt so betrayed and hurt because he lied about it. I didn’t even need to really see his browser history bc I could tell by his actions and how everything has gone back to before (no erections, not interested or initiating sex, etc)

I’m just so angry at this point. I said something about it and he lied and said he wasn’t doing it. I just feel so hopeless about us. He’s robbing us of a normal sex life and of ushaving a baby and starting a family. He’s so selfish, and I don’t trust him anymore.

I love him and want to work through this but I’m 36 and don’t have forever to have a baby. I’m just feeling so hurt and betrayed, and I’m worried things will never change.

Has anyone else gone through this or have any advice? I don’t have anyone to talk to about this.