Why is my husband like this!!

About a month ago, my husband told me “were gona go pick up my cousin’s boyfriend and his friend because they want to go to the shooting range” and i said “okay cool!” When we arrived where they were staying they talked for a little bit and next thing you know he started putting luggage in the truck. He popped his head in and says to me “theyre gona be staying with us for a little while. Is that okay?” With them about to hop on the truck i had no choice but to say “ok”. So theyve been here about a month. My husbnd had gotten a new job at a project (construction) and until A few days ago he told me that were not making it (moneywise) to which im confused since he just started a good project. Well stressed, he confessed that he took the guys to work with him, both when he only needed one. So were struggling because hes been giving part of his check to make another check. So now im soooo irritated and im mad, these guys arent even paying rent, are making about the same as my husband because of the “generosity” in his heart thats fucking us over. We have a kid, we have rent, we have insurance to pay, phones, etc. and hes still willing to lend out money to other “friends” also without telling me til i caught him in the act. But he cant afford to get new contacts, because were so broke right now. 😓 we might not even make the rent next month.