Looking for some advice.


Hello all,

I just got out of a long term relationship where the man treated me terribly through the 6 years we were together. It's been roughly 3 months since the break up and shortly after the break up, I decided I was going to apply at a university across the country.

Sometime within these 3 months, I met a man through a making friends group for my town on Facebook. We certainly hit it off and I think I genuinely like the guy. However, I'm planning on moving out to this new University in a year for the fall semester. I let him know from the start I was leaving and he says that he would follow me there when the time comes but he says he plans on going back to school in the current city we are in.

Now, I'm a bit afraid of continuing our relationship. What if he decides he doesn't want to go? We'll both be heart broken when I leave. If he told me he had no intentions of coming with, I would've broken it off to save ourselves of any emotional turmoil. I'm leaning towards breaking it off completely due to uncertainty. Advice? Thoughts?