Love it possible in 2019?

I have no other outlet currently to share how I feel so I hope here works....

I have been unsuccessfully dating since 2015 (it’s gotta be me, right??) and as the years pass, the more shallow I feel men are. Or maybe not just men....but us as people. So quick to “swipe” and onto the next best thing because it’s all right at your fingertips... dating sites, social media.

I like to think of myself as thoughtful, caring, loyal, and kind. But I feel like at this day in age, I’m not given a chance.

I’m currently seeing someone and at first, it was pretty incredible. We complemented each other well and usually my instincts are right. I was so excited (and the sex has been really great and we openly talk about it which is new yet exciting for me to be that open with someone)

But not too long after sleeping together, he’s scrolling through Instagram of dozens and dozens and dozens of sexy girl selfies and it’s definitely messing with me. I haven’t said anything yet because I haven’t found the words yet (he’s a pretty sensitive guy with a short fuse) I don’t want to offend him but if we’re not having sex, he’s glued to his phone. It doesn’t make me feel very worthy of his time. I guess I’m just feeling very anti social media lately because I know how easy it is to just message someone. Ahhh, am I going crazy? Does anyone else feel like dating during the crazy internet times is even more challenging??