1st post ever...PCOS struggle

Nadia • 2 Corinthians 5:7 “Walk by faith, not by sight” PCOS is a faith shaking syndrome that leaves a wanting to be mother trying to see the light when it’s so dark yet I have god by my side and he shall guide me. I must walk by faith not by sight. For he knows

I got pre diagnosed at 16 and had a baby unexpectedly in high school while on my period at age 18. I am now 23 and officially diagnosed with PCOS due to trying for baby number 2 and have been for a year and 8 months with no periods or luck. In May of this year I was put on Provera to induce periods. Before I had my daughter I had horrible irregular periods, server cramps, cyst, and heavy flow. Sometimes it would go for 5 days NO less and sometimes as much as 3 weeks. Just like a sink on and off again. I was put on birth control after my daughter was born to help regulate and calm the flow. Nexplonon didn’t help at all, the pill didn’t, finally last to try due to my health was depo shot. It was great however one of the side of effects for me was due to having PCOS being on birth control can lower chances of having children regardless of age. So back to May of this year was put on medicine to get my period back after not getting one back after a year off birth control on my own. Then after one dose I have had a period since.....but the tricky part is not ovulating. I just got put on medicine for getting ovulation Clomid. Really prying. We just started having our intercourse. Doctors said I should begin ovulating 10/17 however I feel like I am early and took two different ovulation test one was almost positive and the other was negative but had a simi dark line. Soooo we did it tonight. Pressed and legs up. Lots of baby dust and heavy prayers for the great god above. Btw my husband is father to my child in high school. We have been married for 5 years as of 10/25/19 and been together since my sophomore year.