Discharging from the NICU and birth story!


It has been the longest 2 weeks of my life. I know it could have been so much worse, and some babies are there for months. I truly admire the parents who have babies in the NICU for months on end, it is so hard.

My little Amelia was born 2 weeks ago via repeat csection and she ingested fluid on her way out. They pulled 15ml out of her stomach (newborns stomachs only hold 5-7ml at birth, so they were shocked) and she also got some in her right lung. After pulling what they could out of her stomach, she appeared fine. They wrapped her, handed her to my husband and he came over to me with her. She was good until we got into recovery. We unwrapped her to start skin-to-skin and less than 5 mins into it she turned lifeless and purple. My nurse immediately swept her up and took her across the recovery room to another doctor to start working on her. What got in her lung developed into pneumonia. Her oxygen percentages were also dropping. She was on cpap for a week, and has been on different levels of oxygen since coming off of cpap.

Her pneumonia has cleared up, but she still can’t hold her O2 levels up on her own. The hospital is setting us up at home with oxygen so she can be with us. They said this could take weeks, months or even years to correct itself. We are so happy to finally get out of the hospital and take our little girl home!