Time for yourself?

My husband and I have a 7 week old baby. He was born almost 7 weeks early and we spent exactly 4 weeks in the NICU. It’s been a roller coaster to say the least. Now...my husband is amazing in many ways. He’s an extremely hard worker, great provider, wonderful step dad to my 7 year old, and is always supportive of me. But...

I’m at the end of my rope. He’s had a drinking problem for years. Promises to quit and never does. And here’s where I am now. He took the whole 4 weeks our son was in the NICU off work. It was great because he could be there at the hospital a lot but also took care of my son in the evenings so I didn’t have to leave the hospital. Since we’ve been home though, it’s been a constant battle. He’s either drinking (not constantly but he’ll drink heavily at night 2-3 times a week), at work, or doing things that make him happy like shooting his bow or meeting a friend for a drink.

I, on the other hand l, have literally had no break. I wouldn’t expect to..I mean that’s part of having a newborn. But I was starting to become resentful that he kind of does whatever he wants and I’m at home making sure the little boy (of his own) that he always wanted and never thought he’d get is thriving.

Well...I got excited because he took the day off work so I could sleep longer than 30-45 minutes for once. Mind you it’s only because he was tired from staying up drinking until midnight last night but I wasn’t going to turn down a chance to get a little nap. He told me this morning he was going to go out to our other property and sight in his bow to hunt this weekend and then he’d be back so I could have a short break. He left at about 9:00.

I got a call at 2:00 saying he helped this old lady we know down the road split some wood and now was heading to another friend’s house to help with something. I knew what that meant...he was going to go sit in the garage and drink because that’s literally what they always do. So I called him on it.

Y’all this man has the nerve to tell me “I just need a break and some time for myself.”

EXCUSE ME?!?!?! You need a break?! You need time for yourself?! You literally met this friend for drinks yesterday after work for 2 hours! You’ve done whatever you want whenever you want and you need a break? Meanwhile I’m just over here...getting less than 2 hours of sleep a day, taking care of the baby, cleaning, making sure you have clean clothes for work and a hot meal on the table...the walls of the house feeling like they’re closing in on me because I never get to leave. Seriously?!

So... I lit him up and hung up the phone. It’s now 2 hours later and he’s still not home. Selfish prick.

Sorry...needed to vent.