I’m so sad

I want to have kids. So badly.

It makes me incredibly sad seeing pregnant ladies and people having babies, because I know it’s not my time, and might never be my time.

EVERYONE tells me “You’re so young, enjoy it while I can! Kids are so much work, you’re crazy!“ But I don’t want that. I know all of that, and I’ve wanted kids more than I’ve wanted anything. I’m 24 and always dreamed I’d have a little one by this time.

And every relationship I’ve ever had doesn’t want to even think about kids or marriage until they’re over 30. But I get that, because I definitely don’t want to risk having a baby with the wrong person.

So I have to sacrifice waiting nearly 10 years before having babies to accommodate my choice of men. At that point, I’m afraid I won’t be able to have kids because infertility runs HEAVY in my family.

I’m just so sad.