I said stop then he got angry

My husband and I were showering. It wasn’t a roomy shower. Quite small. I wanted to wash my hair then he started to play with my boobs. I didn’t want my boobs to be touched. So I nudge his hands off while continuing to put shampoo on my hair. He put his hands on my boobs again and I got irritated and said stop it. Then he got angry and said “why are you being gay?” Then went out of the shower.

An hour or two later he was saying that I started the “fight”. I told him I don’t need to apologize for anything. I didn’t start anything.

Whenever he didn’t want to do anything sexual, I respected him. But when I never wanted to do anything “sexual”, we always ended up in arguments.

Since after we had our daughter, I don’t want to be touched. We have sex here and there. Suddenly, I wasn’t like my old self. I’m hardly a sexual person now. He is always a sexual person.

I am also leaving for basic training next week. Now, he is telling me that he doesn’t get enough sex. I told him idk why I am like this, but I just am now. He was saying that there are other moms out there that are still sexual and asked why I am not.

**In less than a week of me leaving, he is complaining about me not being sexual, I feel like he will physically cheat on me.

Okay ladies, was he right to get angry at me for not wanting to be touched? He is still angry at me.