Is there such thing as perfect men or at least close to?

Is there such thing as the perfect men? Or at least easy to deal with no heavy bullshit to deal with?

First guy i dated, was long distance for 5yers i was 17-22

He wouldn’t make plans for the future, he’d always say he had not much money to visit me or make a move to be closer, we were 13hrs apart would only see him 2-max3 times a year. We grew apart. I broke it off i used to have no life only talk to him on the phone.

Next guy i dated when i was 24 i got engaged to him, his ex used to make fake accoutnts to break us off, hed say he didn’t want her.. ect.. i had a feeling i broke the engagement off, that same month he was back with his ex.. (hed also always make me pay most of the stuff & wnated me to put all my saving to buy a house, not him) but he’d always give his mom money whenever she wanted it.. but didn’t have enough” money for us!! his mom called me by his ex names once.

This current bf, everything is good, amazing sexxxx!! He makes me a priority, spend most of my hours with him, hes a bit stingy (he likes to save up, like me but im more lenient, not big deal) but not as bad, one thing I don’t like its his parents actually giving him money despite him being an adult now, so its the opposite with him now lol.. but one of the thing i hateee hate hate the most is him being so muvh into porn! He likes pornstars photos online & accounts. Our sexlufe its not affected but i find that disrespectful, ive talked to him about it buttt nothing chbages..

What im getting trying to get here is what kind of things are worth overlooking if other things are worth it?

What are some things uve compromised or have i just met the wrong men?