My Mum Found Out About Drugs đŸ€Ż

Yikes, my anxiety is through the roof right now.

My mum has found my weed a few times in my life, and absolutely lost her shit over it. Screaming, crying, all of it.

But the last time was about 2 years ago.

I’m 18 now, and I’ve had depression and anxiety since I was 13. 6 months ago I tried MDMA, and I really haven’t looked back. I’d use it as a coping mechanism, and used it whenever I went out pretty much.

I wouldn’t say I’m addicted, per say, but I definitely enjoyed my time on it of a weekend.

However, my mental health took a huge dip and I’ve done the right thing. I saw a doctor yesterday and started my anti depressants, I talked to my doctor about substance abuse and she told me absolutely not to touch it on this medication. I understand that completely, and agreed to her and myself only to drink (legal age here!) mum texted me today and said “we need to talk” and called me.

She told me she knew exactly what was going on, except she wasn‘t mad. She didn’t yell. She was so calm about it, and talked to me like an adult. She wouldn’t tell me how she found out, but something tells me my doctor was concerned and told her about my substance abuse.

I don’t really know what to do...I really just wanted to sort myself out without my mum knowing about THAT part of the problem.

Any advice?