My birth story!


As I’m sitting here holding my almost 5 week old baby boy I thought I’d share my birth story with everyone!

I won’t be posting pictures of my son cause I don’t need anyone stealing his pictures or anything🙃

Anyway so at 32 weeks I was diagnosed with preclampsia I went in and had two steroid shots given to me to help my sons lungs develop in case i delivered early.. their goal was to get me to 35 weeks.. so from 32-35 I was on bed rest, that day (this was a Thursday) I was sent to the hospital for monitoring over night for my Bp being 150/95 I was monitored for 3 hours then sent home cause it went down!

The next day (friday) I had another shot, and they warned me about side effects... well I had HORRIBLE anxiety with the shots I had horrible chest pain I couldn’t breathe I had a pounding headache ugh it was horrible.. so on Saturday morning I called my on call dr and they told me to come to the hospital again they monitored me then sent me back home with the diagnosis of “heartburn” no this wasn’t heartburn but long story short after a few days and the injection wore off I was feeling much better!

I made it to 35 weeks! From there my Bp started getting higher and my headaches and blurred vision started and it got progressively worse till the day I delivered. Basically from 35-37 weeks it was just taking it easy and watching my bp their goal was to get me to 40 weeks of not 37 at least!

I made it to 37 weeks, I had an appointment on Tuesday and they told me I would be induced at 38 weeks which was that next Wednesday!

Fast forward to Thursday morning (the 12th) I had a scheduled NST, baby looked food but my Bp was sky high 150/100 which is dangerous they sent me to the hospital again I was monitored for like 5 hours they ran a ton of tests and took an ultrasound (little did we know that was the last time we saw our baby in black and white!)

After a long morning they came in and said I was going to be induced that night we were so excited and so nervous! I had to have two IVs but multiple different drugs (I’ll get to that in a second)

Once we were done we got to our delivery room I was hooked up to two IV polls one was Magnesium for my preclampsia cause I was at risk for having a seizure and a antibiotic cause I also had GBS my ENTIRE pregnancy 🙃🙃.

So on top of the two ivs I had I also had the epidural and Pitocin I was miserable lol, so that evening my dr came in I was dilated to 1cm so they started the cervical ripening which was just a flatten tampon that had to stay inside for 12 hours so I got some sleep the next day my other dr came in and checked me for dialation I was a 2 but it was so uncomfortable I couldn’t even sit still I was almost in tears so he stopped and just said that if I’m in that much pain to go ahead and start the epidural and break my water.

I got the epidural and man I was feeling great! (This was Friday the 13th btw so the next day) I was great couldn’t feel ANYTHING! I couldn’t feel contractions or the check ups! I was sad though I couldn’t feel my baby’s last movements inside the womb😭

Friday night I was laying there and I felt something dripping my nurse checked me and we still don’t know if I peed myself or if my water ruptured lol but it was a ton! My dr came in and checked and I was at a 5! He said there was still a bag and he broke it and said things should be picking up now! I stayed at a 5-6 till Sunday morning the 15th, at 7:25 I was a 9 and at 7:31 I started pushing I pushed for exactly 1 hour, I felt all the contractions and a ton of pressure.. the epidural had worn off some by then I was in so much pain!

I felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere with pushing, his head was out and his heart rate dropped (I don’t know how low) but it was low enough my dr said I had to push with all I could to get him out! So I did and at 8:31 my beautiful little boy was born!💙💙

So since I was on Magnesium he was very lethargic he barley cried and didn’t move or make any noises for like 3 days lol but he’s great now!

He was born September 15th 2019

21.5 IN

7lbs 14oz

14IN head (I had no tearing Btw) just small fissures! Thankfully!!

He’s so beautiful and perfect! My husband was so great through the whole process so thankful to have him by my side! We are so I love with our little man!

I told myself I wasn’t going to post a picture of my baby but I decided to post this one.. I also don’t like sharing pictures of my husband he doesn’t want me to either 😂 so it’s just me, but he was there and we are so in love!💙

Now I’m 1 month PP I’m feeling great! My bleeding has stopped I’m back to my pre pregnancy weight and I finally have shape to my body I use to be just a stick😂