Idk what to do. RANT

So, I married my husband 4.5 yrs ago. We have two boys ages 2 and 3.5.

We ended up moving out to the boonies into the house my husband grew up in, but my FIL lives in the basement.. I was promised so much for this house to be seperate then the basement or my FIL moved out. It's been 8 months and NO progress.. not even a kitchen downstairs... I JUST wanna be a girl and wear no bra in the mornings while I cook breakfast. I'm the ONLY girl in the house. I want to go cry in peace, without fear my FIL will come upstairs. I want to poop or change my tampon with out the fear of my FIL coming upstairs (anyone with kids will know the struggle about the door being open, and no.. it doesn't lock)

House had cockroaches when we first moved in... I got rid of them myself by just deep cleaning. Yea, I didn't bring them in or cause them but I was the one who had to deal with it. My husband still puts his dad first and will cancel our plans or drop whatever we're doing to help his dad. The reason for moving out here was to save this house and help his dad, and I get that.. but it's honestly EVERYDAY and they go off and are super happy and giggles because they went out for coffee after or whatever and here I am daily with my boys, no adult conversations stuck at home except for pick ups from school or groceries.

I've also noticed my husband only pays attention to me when he's horny. If not it's get the kids to bed as quick as we can so he can play video games. He won't help around the house unless I ask... Alot... Which no one wants a naggy wife.. but he won't even take the garbage out for 3 days after I asked him . Until it's super full... And so I end up doing that anyways.

If he offers to do dishes I'm always so happy and grateful but the next day when I go put them away... They are always extremely dirty still (he doesn't pay attention and just watches videos while doing dishes... Also when bathing the kids but that's another story)

The one that's REALLY bothering me is everyday this is how it goes.

My alarm rings at 6:30 I get up start making breakfast my oldest is in preK and bus comes at 9am. Husband waits absolute last min to get himself up he sits at the table or on the couch watching videos on his phone while I continue to cook, clean up, feed and take out the dog, get my two boys dressed and ready and finally 3.5yr old off to school. I then finish cleaning up breakfast, do laundry, clean up all the toys while I got a teething 2yr old and a 5month old Large breed dog. Then soon it's lunch I go pick up my son and then I drive to pick up my husband for lunch. We get home I quickly make lunch for everyone and calm two screaming hungry kids. Finally we eat and husband goes to work as soon as he's done and I'm left with all the clean up again.

Meanwhile FIL is in the basement saying how loud the dog barks or now he needs my husband for the weekend... Again. Oh and if I go out anywhere he always asks where I'm going and what I'm doing. IM FUCKING 25!!!! I can do whatever the F I want I don't need a parent!!! He also goes to visit my husband at work everyday or before he leaves town he goes to my husbands work to say bye, also to give him a to do list.

Yesterday my husband didn't answer any of my txts which were important about our children and he even admitted he didn't even open them but at lunch and after work he was txting his friends and snap chatting them... I guess my txts about our kids weren't important enough.

Which brings me to my final point. Moving out here, my own mother hates me and refuses to visit because of the living situation with my FIL. My Dad has come out (parents divorced) but always complains I need to move closer to him. And the rest of my family won't talk to me because they hate my husband.. so yea, life is great. And yes I'm on anxiety/ depression pills.