Why did my brother marry this girl 🤦🏼‍♀️


So my brother is almost 30, and he married a girl younger than me.. 19. My brother is pretty immature and doesn’t make good choices but this one was a real doozie. The only time I’ve talked to my brothers wife is during Christmas when we exchange small gifts. I’ve thought about including her in family stuff, but I don’t really like her. She’s only a few years younger than me but acts totally immature. She cant keep a job. At her last interview for janitorial crew at a hospital, she had a headache and asked her mom to bring her prescription strength pain killer... that wasn’t prescribed to her.. needless to say she didn’t get the job. And every time someone upsets her she talks about “beating their ass.” Shes married to my brother but her relationship status on Facebook is “single” and every time they get into a small argument she goes on there and deletes all the pictures of them together. And every time they argue (literally every time) she threatens to take their daughter and leave. Also, when they argue she’ll ask her parents to come pick her up from his house (she can’t drive) and she’ll tell her parents everything that was said, so they don’t like my brother at all now. She also runs her mouth to all her friends so they don’t like him now either. But when they make up and they’re good again she doesn’t like that her family and friends resent him.. My brother definitely isn’t perfect and is nowhere near it but omg 🤦🏼‍♀️