Human Nature - Hubby looking at other women

I'm writing this feeling silly. I know logically people aren't walking through life with blinders on. But it makes me feel "some sort of way" when my husband looks, glances, stares longer than I would like, at other women. He does not gawk, it's not disrespectful, and if a woman is wearing something extremely revealing and low cut, I can see him go out of his way not to look at her and focus on me. Why do I feel this way knowing logically he would never cheat on me or be tempted with another woman? We've never had any issues like that. And in all areas and aspects, I am a strong headed, confident, educated, business woman. But I've definitely had words with him about this issue, yes it was wrong, but I still did it. I don't want him to walk on eggshells but I don't want to feel this way either. Please yell some sense into me!