How long does the teething diarrhea last!?!?!?

Venice • 👶🏽 miracle IVF baby boy

11 month old boy, for the past 4 weeks his 5th tooth has emerged. The first 4 teeth we actually had a smooth experience. So the past 4 weeks, runny stools in almost every diaper, runny nose, random fussiness. He's been 20.5lbs for the past month. No weight lost but no weight gained. Typically he was putting on 1.5-2lbs a month. Now in perspective he's more active, eating solids and not as interested in breastfeeding.

I had him looked at by a new pediatrician ( oue old one retired) the initial visit is always basic and seems more like a " blind date 21 questions" lol

How long is too long to keep letting the runny stools go? He use to poop solid once maybe 2xs a day. Now it's average 4 loose runny diapers a day. We have tried pedialyte and he"ll only drink a few sips at a time.