Finally Got Up the Courage

For as long as I can remember, my husband has done this thing where he’ll bring things up in front of other people when he knows I’m uncomfortable talking about it. He’ll discuss plans or insist on doing certain things that he knows I’m not on board with because he knows I won’t object to it and then when I tell him I’m not ok with it later, he’ll say he’s doing it anyways because we “already discussed it and I was ok with it”. We’ve talked about him doing this many times but for some reason, he still thinks it’s ok. He works weekdays and I work weekends, and we have two children. Today, we were at his parent’s house and he waited until we were in front of his mother to say to me “hey, is it fine if I drop the kids off here at my parents and go out this weekend?”. I don’t know where it came from but I said “No, I’m not ok with that because you work all week and if you drop them off here on weekends, then you haven’t spent any time with them at all this week.” I never involve other people in our “disagreements” (or whatever you want to call them), and I have never said anything even close to this in front of his parents because I was always so worried that they would think if I “talked back”. But I finally decided that I’m done going along with it and if they want to say something to me about that then they can. I know in my heart it’s not wrong of me to expect me husband to not only spend time with our children but enjoy doing so and it’s ok for me to say so. I don’t ever discuss this kind of thing with other people but I wanted to share so here I am.