Still waiting ... 😑

So yesterday I went for my second beta hcg draw and they told me I would get a call with the results later that day . They never called so I called about an hour and a half before they closed and asked for my results they told me they would call me tomorrow morning (today) . Now it’s 1:30pm still no call and it’s Friday. I don’t wanna wait till Monday especially since my obgyn told me last year when I miscarried that when I do become pregnant again to get my confirmation paper and call ASAP so she can get me in the same week cause she classify me in the high risk category. My primary care doesn’t seem to get that 🤦🏻‍♀️ they think I’m a crazy lady cause my pee tests at the office are negative but my blood isn’t. When should I call them again this shit is getting ridiculous 🤷🏻‍♀️😑

They have already delayed me one week cause they said I have to have two beta hcg draws before I get my confirmation paper 😫

Update: I’m highly pissed like pissed doesn’t even begin to describe my anger right now. Apparently they failed to tell me my insurance is out of network so my labs had to be sent out of town to a specific lab instead of being done in house. Now I won’t get my results till later next week 😑 on top of that I can’t even go to another doctor and get it redone for sooner results cause my insurance will reject it. WTH I’m fuming 🤯