my firstborn is acting different

I recently gave birth to my daughter and ever since then my first born has been acting differently. Prior to his little sister, he was an only child. I’ve tried my best to make this transition easy for him. But to be honest I feel like he hates me now. He used to be a total mama’s boy, he always ran to me when he needed something but now he doesn’t even want to play with me. I always make sure I make time to play with him and spend time with him, he’ll stay put for 5 minutes and then go running to his dad. We won’t even give me hugs anymore and he only wants his daddy to read him bedtime stories. I feel like the once special bond I had with him is slowly vanishing and it’s breaking my heart. I love him more than anything. And not to mention he wants nothing to do with his baby sister, I’ve encouraged him to bond with her but he just doesn’t want to. And I respect that because I know this transition isn’t easy. But I miss my little guy 😭 just for reference he just turned 3 and my daughter is about to be 2 months