Not something I should stress over but I am. Am I in the wrong or just ignore and go about my day by myself ?

Long story but bare with me. Tomorrow is my birthday. My mother wanted me over for a lunch she would be making.

She told me my dad invited my brother & his family,

I am not thrilled at all about it

In fact i don’t want to go at all. Back in January I believe it was. Me and my brother got into a big fight and he has quit speaking to me. My mother asked me to cut my nieces bangs cause they do not ever comb her hair it’s always in her face they barely bathe her. Well I cut her bangs. They weren’t ugly nothing.

That was world war lll, he ended up forgiving my mom but stayed pissed off at me.

I feel like the only reason he forgave my mother is because he financially depends on her when he can’t pay a bill

His wife then went on social media bashing me. I ignored it.

One day on a public post of a newspaper I made a comment out of 200 freaking comments from others her brother jumps on my comment talking shit to me. So of course it added more fuel to the fire.

Anyways... Easter comes, I invite them NO RESPONSE & NO SHOW

birthdays for my kids come I invite them get NO RESPONSE & NO SHOW

Summer parties I invite them , NO RESPONSE & NO SHOW

Last month we had a gender reveal, again I invite them and NO RESPONSE & NO SHOW

Let me remind you... throughout this time I have seen my nieces maybe 5xs at my mothers house cause she was baby sitting. She’s 12, 6, 3

They will not talk to me because they were told by my brother and his wife NOT too

I was like wow.... drag the kids into this? I ignored it.

All of this because I cut some damn bangs that grew back in 2/3weeks!!!! I’ve said sorry multiple times and get no reply back.

Beginning of October I seen them for about 3 minutes at my moms house , they were already there I was dropping off my moms meds. I said hi NEITHER OF THEM SAID IT BACK.

His wife rolled his eyes and he went outside

I again ignored it left my mothers meds and left.

NOW with it being MY birthday my father has invited them over to eat as well. I do not want to be around them at all. I am 8 months pregnant, I’m 2cm dilated. I’ve been having a lot of BH I am not in the mood for their stupid shit I always get disrespected and I will be damned if I get it again on my damn birthday that is not suppose to be a negative day.

Well my mother is mad at me because I refuse to go. She says I’m acting like a child but I don’t believe I am. Am I really in the wrong for not wanting to go?

I’ve just been so over it with them the past 9 months I do not care to put up with it tomorrow. All I wanted was a peaceful day to relax spend time with my parents (since I won’t have many birthdays with them left) and I’m not being the bad guy cause I don’t want to be near them. I’ve already cried about it cause my feelings are more hurt that my mom says I’m the bad one for this but yet every other time she’s agreed with me and now she don’t

Should I go... should I not...

am I being a brat about this?