Newborn refuses to "safe sleep"


My daughter is nearly 2 weeks old now and since day one in the hospital, she had refused to sleep in a bassinet or crib. Hell, she won't sleep ANYWHERE unless it's in the arms of a warm body. My husband and I have been forced to "take shifts" every few hours holding her while she sleeps while we sleep upright in a recliner with her lying flat in our arms.

My pediatrician today at her two week appointment basically shamed the hell out of me when she asked about her sleep and i tried to explain that she WILL NOT sleep any other way.

We have tried having her fall asleep and then placing her in the basinet/crib only for her to wake up about 5 minutes later and scream bloody murder nonstop until we pick her up again.

We have tried putting her in and just letting her cry but it lasted 30 minutes before we gave up because she won't stop screaming.

We have tried putting a small incline wedge under the bassinet mattress to see of that would help: nope!

We have tried swaddling her and not swaddling her. We have tried giving her a pacifier. We have tried silence. We have tried white noise. We have tried a swing. NOTHING IS WORKING.

She falls asleep perfectly fine when she is in someone's arms but as soon as we put her down she wakes up and will not go back to sleep and just SCREAMS.

I'm at my wits end, I simply cannot stay awake 24 hours a day holding her and every night we get a few hours in the recliner, I feel paranoid about SIDS/suffocation risk or dropping her while asleep, and now after my pediatrician talk I feel like a horrible parent for putting her in danger.

My husband suggests leaving her in her own room in her crib and just letting her cry it out for an entire night and only going in there to breastfeed every 3 hours, however everything I've read and heard says NOT to do that while she is so young, not to mention I'd feel horrible that I was ignoring her cries as a newborn, no matter the reason.

What is left to possibly do? My pediatrician had no other options, just repeated everything we have already tried. It's past midnight right now and I have just attempted to lay her down again with no luck. I'm close to tears. I don't know what else to do.

My husband's paternity leave ends after the weekend, which means I will be forced to either stay awake with her 24 hours a day holding her to ensure her safety or sleep 2 hours at a time in the recliner for the next 6 months and risk her getting hurt. I'm losing my damn mind between guilt, frustration and sleep deprivation.