Is he really still asleep? Baby sleep question



My son is 6 weeks old. He is exclusively breastfed. He normally sleeps between 2 and 3 hours at a time.

He has been asleep since 8:30pm, it is now 1:20am. I am beyond happy but kind of worried.. this has never happened.

I feed on demand and trying to get him to sleep more at night. Should I wake him or let him sleep his feel? I woke up leaking and currently pumping one boob.

BTW...I used Mommy's Bliss nighttime Gripe water for the 1st time. Could that be why? He was super fussy yesterday and cried a lot. I have checked on him and he breathing fine.

Let him sleep?

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Posted at
I love this so much. We are all so desperate for sleep. Now that your baby has had a longer stint it must feel dumbfounding hahaha like you can’t believe it’s happening


Joy • Oct 19, 2019
It seriously is dumbfounding and funny when you think of it. If my husband was awake and I told him my concern he would be like "So all these weeks of you wishing he would sleep through the night, and now he is and your worried?" Haha mom guilt is real. So is sleep deprivation so I should go back to sleep!


Posted at
Yes just let him sleep


Posted at
Me, running to the store for those drops you speak of lol
Me, running to the store for those drops you speak of lol


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My son will be 6 weeks on Tuesday, he is exclusively breastfed as well And the last week or so he has been sleeping 5-6 hour stretches. I never wake him even though I have to get up to pump. I say enjoy it lol


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Hahah that's awesome! My baby literally just woke up from her first 5 hour stretch. I couldnt believe it either 🙌🙌🙌


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Let him sleep!


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Let him sleep and enjoy it while it lasts lol


Posted at
Let him sleep, my baby is 8 weeks and has been sleeping longer stretches through the night for several weeks now!