Baby Not Eating


My little one is 10 weeks old. I’m breastfeeding. She mostly nurses throughout the day and then will take a bottle once a day so she can get used to it when I’m back to work. She took a bottle last night at 7pm. She started getting fussy around 9pm which is when we normally do her last feeding and she regularly eats every 2-2.5 hours. I popped the boob out and she took it for a few mins and then started freaking out. When I took the boob out, she frantically tried to get it back, once she had it back she would spit it out after a minute and start screaming. I let her calm down and then about an hour later (10pm) tried a bottle. Same thing. She finally went to sleep for the night. Woke up around 4:30am like she normally does. Only nursed for 6mins and went back to sleep. For her first feeding of the day at that time she normally does about 20minutes. She slept til 8am. Woke up and nursed for about 5 mins and then started freaking out again. For the last 2 hours she has been fussing like crazy. I’ve tried rocking her to sleep, burping her, laying her on her tummy, giving a bottle. I just don’t know what’s wrong. She’s not running a fever. She really hasn’t eaten much since 7pm last night and it’s now 10am. Any ideas?