Still here...


36+2. They have increased my blood pressure medication and started me on new heart medication. Got seen by my cardiologist and I got an echo of my heart today, second round of steroid, getting a BPP soon because baby boy isn’t doing good on his NSTs. Good news is they are not calling me preclamptic yet but I’m trending that way (hopefully deliver me before I do get it) and my blood pressures are starting to come down. Staying another night here my OB doctor doesn’t come back till Monday. Not sure what the plan is.

Update baby isn’t passing his NSTs I’m currently on continuous monitor now. Have been up all night and I have gotten zero sleep. Baby kept coming off the monitor or they needed me to switch position or drink something sweet to wake him up. Also he doesn’t tolerate some of my contractions. Plan is to keep an eye on my blood pressures making sure I don’t get preclamptic. I’m on complete bedrest with bathroom privileges. I’m going to lose my mind I get the worst cabin fever. They plan to keep me here until I deliver which is Thur. With baby they will keep monitoring him and he will be getting a BPP this morning. I’m sad I still feel like I had so much to still do and prepare for my baby boy. This is definitely not what I had planned.