A way of life


Hunting has been in my family for generations and generations, It has also been in my fiance's family for generations, We hunt together, our families hunt, We eat all of our harvest, We are from Ohio and we hunt white tail deer, It's hard to think that this lifestyle is not for everyone when you were raised around it and doing it, There are people out there who don't engage, appreciate, or support it, I was raised to respect that. Hunting has taught me some of the most important things to be as a human being, patience, discipline, respect for nature, and to independently harvest my own food, In our family we harvest, quarter and butcher our own deer, It goes right from the woods, in the barn to the freezer, We have also donated meat to families who don't have much money to buy good meat, I've also learned to eat healthy as a hunter, Venison protect our cells, it protects against disease, It promotes development and growth in children and it is high in protein, and is proven to do wonders with high cholesterol, Venison is healthy in many different ways. So as hunting becomes a dying subject and activity, due to peoples different views, and just the new generations of people and their ways of life. It's just not morally correct for us to go out and kill an animal in the woods for food, It's more accepted in this world today to have butcher and slaughter houses, where animals are beaten, starved and hung, stabbed and drained of their blood while they're still alive, grinded while still alive and burned alive, If a deer hunt is done correctly, and there is a good shot, a deer dies in seconds and does not suffer, the deer does not suffer for weeks on end before it's taken, and a hunter does not touch the animal until it is passed, and the process to quarter is ready to be started. Besides all of this, I have grown up trying to explain and justify and it will never be okay in some peoples minds and that's fine, It is so hard to have our children grow up the way we did, helping our dad with his deer, learning great skills so young, being out in the woods and respecting earth and what it gives, but we still do, my children seeing and being exposed to this has not taught them that killing animals and harming them just because it's legal is okay, It has taught them boundaries and limitation and respect, you don't take what you don't plan on feeding your family with, My children love and respect animals, as much as the PETA people. They're just efficient and they're skilled survivors at a young age, I don't expect people to completely understand if they're not raised into it. But, I do expect people to just respect that not everyone was raised to be the same. We all have different ways of life and how we were raised. Hunters are not evil, they're not dangerous when raised and taught correctly, I respect and have an open mind on how others are raised and I know I will never have that in return. I get questions everyday, about how my children are exposed to dead animals. To answer: When a member of the family brings home a deer, Yes we all see it, we all help with it, from skinning to sealing and freezing. It's a normal thing to us that we take seriously, it's in our blood and family tree, at 9 years old my daughter can take back straps, butterfly steak,rump roast, and grind out of a deer, and provide enough meat for months and feed multiple families, Am I proud of that? Hell yes I am. We are proud of what and where we came from, Before judging a way of life, you should first understand it. Also thank you to those we weren't raised hunting but still don't bash the community. We have a respect for you. 💚💚💚

The point of this post is, Just because a parenting style is not one you agree with please get over the fact that it does NOT make it wrong.