Is this false labor or pre labor (36 weeks and 6 days)

Since I was 35 weeks I went to the hospital due to tighting of the stomach. When they put me on the monitor they confirmed that I was having contractions but nothing strong to change my cervix. The checked my cervix and said I was 30% effeced, soft and thinning, finger tip dilated, and - 3. Now that I'm going to be 37 weeks tomorrow, I have been have consistent contractions everyday, (kind of getting stronger, like period cramps and light lightning.) weird aches and numbness in my right leg. My back is constantly hurting. At this point I really don't know what to do or think. Like is this the real thing coming on or what. I also believe that I lost a little bit of my mucus plug.

Could just be discharge... But I also notice my discharge decreased. Whatttt is going on... Doctor appointment Monday.

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