We haven’t talked since Tuesday , idk how to feel ?!

We broke up in July & we made the mistake of trying fwb for a month. It didn’t work either. Now that we’re friends everything changed & then on Saturday we got into an argument... well I tried to be the bigger person & apologize and this time ... he didn’t really react. Saying he needed space blah blah.

Now he was on a trip so I thought he wanted time for himself. But he’s back & I know he is. He hasn’t watched my stories he hasn’t texted me & I know he’s been active on social media just ignoring my shit.

So I blocked him from my stories on Instagram & Snapchat.

If he really wanted to text me he would, it takes two seconds to create a text. He wished me happy birthday but that was it. I know we’re exes but I didn’t think we would stop talking like this... I’m happy I don’t feel as bad as I thought I would but this sorta sucks. I thought he would message me..

Exes I guess should stay exes and we shouldn’t talk... but still

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Posted at
He probably just realized that it was time to move on.. you need to do the same.


Posted at
He may be moving on.. but don’t overthink it. Take care of you and don’t worry whether or not he will come back. Do what makes you happy and is fulfilling to you. I’m in my 30s now and the happiest days in my life to this point was when I was single and had the best girl friends and I did so many things that I didn’t think I could do and I learned to love and appreciate myself.. worrying and being anxious over a guy is THE worst. I hope you start feeling better and less worried.. it’ll work out no matter what happens ❤️


Arie • Oct 20, 2019
Were when*


Posted at
He probably realised it's not healthy and needed to move on and not be so close to exes. Take a new step in life.