Help! Stomach pains at 24 weeks pregnant😖


So, I’m at baby numero 2 aight my elder son is just over a year old. He’s active, and all over the place, a handful really- as most children are.

I am expecting my second son, who is due in the first week of Feb.

For the past two weeks or so, I have been having such bad stomach pains- not really cramps. It’s all over. The top of my bump. The bottom. My lower back will burn sometimes.

It can be mild to where I can manage to limp around a bit to get stuff done, but it can be so bad as to where I have to sit back, because I’m taking deep breaths just to get through the pain.

My son is already running around, so I’m trying not to have him feel like I can’t play with him.

I need a break- obviously, so I’ve come to moms place. (I live at my MILs place, where there’s a total of like 15 people living. Me being a DIL, am one of the main caretakers of the large household)

Problem 1- my MIL thinks I’m faking it, cuz ‘everyone goes through pregnancy, yours is no special. It’s not a big deal’

Problem 2- my s t o m a c h. Idk what to do. I’ve been to my OBGYN, and she said to just drink water and get off my feet. Which I am doing, but for how long ?????

My first pregnancy wasn’t really like this. I lifted plenty off things, I ran around a lot- and now I feel like I’m basically on bed rest.
