Diarrhea after csection? Tmi


Let me start by saying I'm an extremely anxious person and my anxiety stems from a belly infection I had so my anxiety towards this is trauma related.

I delivered my daughter 10/15. 10/17 I had diarrhea (watery yellow) 2 times. 10/18 I had it 3 times. 10/19 5 times. I have no other symptoms. No fever chills nausea nothing. It is NOT through the night at all. Seems to be within an hour or two after eating but not always. Yesterday my last one was at 6pm and was fine all night and all morning until about 11 this morning. I had to go to the bathroom and it was two semi soft but formed not water. So I got really excited it was over. Just had lunch at around 130 and by 230 had to go and it was straight water again.

Additionally, i am on lovenox shots for blood clotting disorder and ibuprofen for pain. Not sure if either of those would cause it or not.

Anyone have experience with this or maybe reassurance?