
I’ve been having a lot of worries recently about my paranoia and I’ve never really brought it up with anybody because I’m afraid they’ll think I’m crazy. When I was younger I hated taking showers because I thought there were cameras in the water (this is probably when I was 7 or 8, but I’m not positive on that) and that my parents hid cameras around the house which is why I was so well behaved. I don’t have those worries anymore but sometimes when I’m driving I’ll speed because I’m convinced I saw something on the side of the road. For example I was driving home from work the other day and I thought I saw some shadowy figure and for some reason convinced myself that if I looked directly at it that it would kill me so I sped up and kept speeding until I saw another car and was convinced that I was safe. I get worried that things watch me through the window when it’s dark, I’m constantly worried that my friends all hate me and talk about me behind my back and it got to a point that I blocked all of them and skipped a day of school because I didn’t want to see any of them, and when my boyfriend doesn’t respond for a long period of time I get convinced that something horrible has happened and he’s dead until he messages me back, it gets to a point I’ll message him frequently while he’s gone because I’m panicking that he’s hurt or dead, ever since I was young I’ve had a problem with pictures and feel like the eyes are constantly watching me so I’ll cover pictures if I’m doing something private and I’m just wondering like is this normal? I’m a 17 year old senior in high school