Oct 12th ♥️


Due oct 15 had my baby girl on oct 12th. The best day of my entire life. Little birth story. So I woke up in the morning about 4:30 and knew I was labor. The contractions were just different and if I wasn’t I was about to be is what I thought. So around 10 am me and my bd went to the hospital. I was 5 cm and contractions were 5 minutes apart but I was there for 2 hours and didn’t dilate anymore so they sent me home. I was so scared because I went when i was told to go and when I swore I was in labor so how was I gonna know when I actually was in labor? So I go to Walmart go home take a nap woke up with bloody mucus and even worse contractions, take a bath and started vomiting so I called and asked for an iv at least if I’m not in labor because I was soooo sick puking all day long. They said okay come on in. We arrived at 8pm on the dot get upstairs she checks my cirvix and I was at 8.5!! Then I stand up to pee and pop my water breaks everywhere. I knew I was in labor and they sent me home. I was livid. Now I’m about to have a baby with no time for an epidural. I’m panicking at this point. Screaming at all the nurses to give me a c section cause I was not doing it naturally. I got an epidural at 9.5 cm

and it was only half effective by the time she started crowning. I almost felt everything. I pushed for 10 minutes and she was born at 11:06 pm. I’m so glad that traumatic experience went by soo fast. And now a week later and I get to stare at my beautiful baby girl and forget about all of it. ♥️♥️ I’m so proud of myself!!!