It's called freedom and I love it


For 3 and a half years I gave my everything to a person who I thought was the one, the person who I would spend the rest of my life with. During that time this person destroyed every part of me. He cut ties between my family and friends, picked my new friends, put a tracking device in my car, went through my phone daily, made me send him pictures to prove I was alone in my car, only allowed me to go to work and home without his company, forced me to participate in "threesomes" every weekend for months for his sexual pleasure (I put quotation marks around threesome because since I identify as bisexual he forbid me from touching the other girls as he was afraid I would leave him for them), he left me asleep in our bed to go fuck another girl on our couch, and these are just some exapmles. For those years I put up with all the mental abuse I could handle but the last month of our relationship took the cake and made me get the fuck out of there. And it honestly shouldnt be suprising to anyone what came in that last month. Anytime something happened like what I mentioned above i would post about it on here, so many supportive women commented on my posts telling me to leave before it became... physical. And like every other person in denial I preached "he would never hurt me, he would never lay a hand on me", ect. In my last month with my ex fiance on three separate occasions he got drunk, wanted sex when I did not, and forced me to have sex with him that became overly physical. He hit me so hard across my face I had a bruise going along my jaw line, bruises covering my body from him dragging me by my hair and throwing me into furniture, he bit my earlobes until they bled and were dark purple for a week, he left welts on my body from smacking me, he used my own clothing to hog tie me, tied a pair of leggings around my neck so tight to the point I thought I was going to die from not being able to breathe, and tried to shove a soda bottle in my mouth to use as a gag which ripped the webbing under my tongue. Everytime I cried and watched him not give a shit that I was in pain, that he was hurting me. I finally left. Here we are a year later and I couldnt be happier. This last year I've spent my time reconnecting with my family and friends, making new relationships with anyone and everyone I can, I'm with someone new, who, is very much the opposite of my ex, and I spend everyday with my best interest in mind. Never again will I take what I went through as signs of someone caring or loving me. Never again will I put up with abuse. I love being free.