Different sex drives

My husband and I are high school sweethearts, married a few years ago and just had our first baby. Both of us were always hot and heavy for each other well once we got married my sex drive definitely dwindled.

A little into our marriage my husband had been sexting women online for months. I was really hurt and was close to divorcing him. While we worked to save our marriage I found out I was pregnant and we started going to counseling. He said it was a way for him to destress and relieve tension and that talking with these women felt good to hear them say things about him. He was super sorry and remorseful but of course I was in tears hearing these things since all along I was there for him 😕 counseling helped to understand him and why he did those things, though it did break my heart to hear

It got better, my husband did a 180 to help me with my insecurities and did whatever to build my trust in him back. Since having our baby we’ve only done it a few times and each time it was so uncomfortable for me 😔 I know it’ll take time. We decided it’s better for me to sleep with our boy since I’m still nursing and him sleeping in the guest room since he has crazy hours for work so being intimate has been non existent

Last night I asked my husband what he’s been doing to relieve himself since we hadn’t talked at all yet about us not being physical. He said he jacks off like 2-3 times a day and even a flashlight? I was a little taken aback 😮 I knew he was sexually charged but I didn’t that much. He said he watched porn a few times but felt guilty after so I said I mean if that’s something we want to be okay in our marriage then alright. But he said he didn’t want it to be a normal for our marriage so okay.

Im glad we talked about stuff but I do worry still, I let him know that and he reassured me he doesn’t sext anyone outside our marriage that that’s in the past. But with me literally having no sex drive right now and feeling bleh about my body imagine anyways idk it’s just difficult knowing he needs that like everyday...