Engagement photos and our wedding theme


Absolutely love our engagement photos we have got done recently. We have another session coming up. We are doing a beauty and the beast "Be Our Guest", I'm obsessed with Beauty and the Beast and he always says that I bring out the best in him. I have majority of my decor, we are doing like the antique version, not the animated version. I'm excited. We are also having a custom cake made and it will have a deadpool under the cake (he loves deadpool so I wanted to tie him in too). I want to see your photos and ideas, I feel like I have nobody to really talk to about weddings 😫

This was a selfie we took after the engagement session ⬆️

I made our save the dates through Walmart ⬆️

I am making our invitiations. This is a sample (the invitation was a random type sample that was in the box) I have a custom made printed template that is going on the invitations.

I am going to repaint the mirrors but these are our centerpieces for half of our tables.

This is the front of my dress

This is the back, no that is not the veil, that's the actual dress pulled out. The veil stops around my waist/butt area.

We are doing this cake ⬆️ but only a 2 tier cake with this deadpool ⬇️ under the cake. We will havw custom cupcakes made to go along with our cake and theme.