Awful doctor visit...

Kenzie • 30, Married 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

I had my 37 week appointment today that went very unexpectedly. I left crying and calling my husband (who does IT for the hospital network). Baby is fine. I’m fine. Actually I’m much healthier than I was with My first pregnancy at this point (I had preeclampsia and hellp syndrome at 37 weeks then). I rotate through 4 midwives so I know everyone that could deliver the baby. This midwife was pissed that I wasn’t off my migraine meds completely (I cut my normal dose into 1/4 so 12mg daily instead of 50 like I took with my first pregnancy). She practically refused to deliver my baby at the hospital. Said she wanted to transfer my care to a different hospital 50 minutes immediately (I’m 22 days away from my due date, My first was 17 days early). She was calling the pediatricians office to see if they would accept the baby as a patient knowing she would be born with this medicine in her system. Tried to scare me by saying my baby would need the nicu and we would be separated at birth and she would go to the other hospital and I’d have to stay there. They may not allow me to breastfeed at all. Etc. The 3 other midwives have been so happy I’ve decreased to the smallest amount possible and that I am still able to function and be a good mom to my 3 year old even with the med change. Yes there are some risks but the benefits outweigh at this point and most of them agree (irritability, and sleepiness being main concerns). My last pregnancy I stayed on the full dose and my previous OB wasn’t concerned, and I have a healthy, happy, smart, and polite 3 year old as a result. I’ve been so excited to deliver at this hospital since they have been so kind and caring until today. Now I feel like the worst mother in the world and dread delivery knowing she could be the one that is in the room with me. 😢